General Meeting of Shareholders of HERMES SoftLab
Ljubljana, 18 August 2005 – The Annual General Meeting of shareholders of the company HERMES SoftLab was held in Ljubljana on 18 August 2005. 96.34 percent of the capital was present at the meeting.
In the introduction to the Annual General Meeting, the company’s Management Board reported on results in 2004. Consolidated operating revenues of the HERMES SoftLab Group in 2004 amounted to SIT 7,300 million, i.e. 4.5% more than in 2003 according to Slovene accounting standards. The growth resulted from intensive growth of services provided to high-tech producers and increased volume of new costumers. In 2004 the HERMES SoftLab Group reported the operating profit in the amount of SIT 284 million and heavily increased cash amount/balance.
Peter Testen, President of the Management Board: “2004 was a successful business year for HERMES SoftLab Group. We managed to meet the set goals and reverse the negative trends of 2002 and 2003. We prepared solid foundations for the group’s further growth, which remains our main challenge in the future.”
At the proposal of the Management Board and Supervisory Board, the Annual General Meeting acknowledged the information on the company’s Annual Report for 2004 and issued the relief to the Supervisory Board.
The Annual General Meeting acknowledged the resolution that the balance profit in the amount of SIT 156 million remains undistributed.
The company Deloitte&Touche d.o.o., Ljubljana was appointed the auditor for the business year 2005.