SE001 - EP004 | 13. Nov 2023
“What it really takes to achieve data protection” HYCU’s revolution
Do we know where our data is stored, and is it truly safe? We kick off our second installment of the Comtrade Podcast Leadership Series with Simon Taylor, CEO of HYCU and Amazon best-selling author of ‘Averting the SaaS Data Apocalypse.’ Simon emphasizes the importance of understanding the location of your data and advocates for simplicity in managing and protecting it. We discover how HYCU is transforming data protection for on-premises, public clouds, and SaaS applications, gaining valuable insights into the influence of strong branding on a company’s reach and identifying the essential skills for entrepreneurial success in the technology field.
Enjoyed the podcast and want to know more? Get a copy of Averting the SaaS Data Apocalypse | HYCU

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